Whenever I go to a baseball game I love to see children when
they catch sight of the field for the first time. It’s not a “Field of Dreams”
moment because I don’t think they are so much mesmerized by the grass or fascinated
by the game. They’re usually thinking “how’d they get THIS in HERE?” What goes
on during the game is probably an afterthought too and any love of the game is
fueled by memories of cotton candy, hot dogs and a stuffed green monster. One
of my earliest memories is of Fenway Park, but not because of the glory of the
1977 team. I overheated in the summer sun and had to be taken to the first aid
station to cool off. There was a TV
mounted on the wall and I remember thinking how neat it was that what I was
watching was happening right outside the door. I’m sure my father was thinking
the same thing (not). Still, that early exposure is probably why I still love
the game today.
Last week I chaperoned a group of children representing
Colt-Andrews Student Government on a field trip to the State House. Most of
them had never been there and were in awe of the architecture, art and number
of light bulbs in the chandelier. Thanks to Representative Gallison the
students had the opportunity to learn about some of the issues that are
currently being debated and even had a chance to cast a vote. We also had coveted guest seating on the
floor of the House Chamber to listen to the evening’s proceedings. While I’d
like to say that the students understood the whirl of activity that occurred as
they whipped through the agenda, I’d be lying. I think most of them just
enjoyed the opportunity to watch the goings on and to hear their names being
read into the record. I hope that some of them thought about how they’d like to
be there again someday.
As our little group of 25 left the building I thought about
the thousands of other Rhode Island school children who have never been to the
State House — and about their parents — who have not idea about what goes on
inside the building. The truth is that we rely on a very small group of people
in the media to keep us informed on what happens in state government. There are
few Rhode Islanders that run for office, leaving far more of us outside the
process and for the most part unaware of the decisions that impact all of us.
Many legislators get little or no feedback from their constituents and don’t
have staff, making session a grueling and frustrating time. State government is
also decidedly inconvenient — the children weren’t home until 6 and legislators
are often there well into the evening — a long day for those with “real” jobs
and families that would like to see them.
Our behind-the-scenes look was like a trip through the
locker room — pretty cool, even if it can be stinky. I just hope some of these
will might grow up and want to play the political game.
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